Saturday, January 5, 2013

Angelic in Aberdeen

Family, Friends, and the Intrigued,
(excerpts from an email sent on December 16, 2012)
Well, ABERDEEN has been quite the adventure.  When I arrived, there was such an experience of joy and light.  I received several looks of shock and amazement from people on the street.  I have seen that look before; it happens when I am "radiating". Depending on who you ask, I might have actually been glowing.  I was happy and wanted to take a photo to show how I was feeling at this point on the trip (photo attached).  I was amazed when the photo showed me in light (the pic was taken in a dimly lit hotel room and the photo didn't make sense to the room's lighting; it should have been darker and shown the walls behind me).

I went out, picked up some chicken and headed back to the hotel.  That is when things changed (evil has an intentionally dark intelligence against our weakest points).  There was a situation with the man on night duty, and the result was that I was no longer feeling safe in my hotel room.  No details are required, suffice it to say that it was not a good scenario.
So I had decisions to make.  How do I respond?  Do I call the police?  What about the manager, where is his number?  Was the man a threat or was this just a trigger?  What is the wise response when I was alone in my hotel, at midnight, in a strange city?
I made some quick responses, jammed the lock in the door, barricaded it, and then I reached out to a few Christians for prayer.  These people were from various countries around the world. 
Even though the people I reached out to didn't know each other, they EACH responded in unity that they felt that I was safe and that my room was full of angels.  Oh really?  At that moment, I could only feel the pounding of my heart in my chest.  Thankfully, with all I have seen and heard about the past 5 years, I am open to experiencing God and the angelic.  So with my door locked, I tucked safely in my hotel bed and I prayed: "God, if other people say that there are angels in my room, let me see it too." 
I immediately had a picture of a massive angel hovering above and behind me (I was curled up on my side).  Then I had a sensation of a hand on my back (providing safety). I felt a glow and a warm shiver all over.  The 'glow' was so amazing, that I just revelled in the experience and asked for a 'second dose'.  It was so exciting that I mused, "so that is what people were talking about when they experienced a 'heavenly' touch".  It was pure ambrosia.  My spirit, soul, and body relaxed. 
While praying for the ability to connect with the angelic (in the way that everyone had mentioned was occurring), I also had a very practical moment where I decided--I would tell management about the inappropriate encounter in the morning. The natural and supernatural work in tandem.
So let's refer back to the "angelic activity".  While I was experiencing that warm glow, I took a deep breathe to calm my heart rate................and then............ a blink of an eye, it was morning.  LITERALLY.  Just like that; one breathe, and it was morning.

What happened to the time in between?  Usually I remember falling asleep, having dreams, rolling over, fluffing the pillows etc.  But in this case, I simply "skipped" all of that.  It was as if one moment I was awake, experiencing the angelic, and the next thing, *POOF*--it was early morning.
Even though what woke me was unpleasant (the neighbours were having vigorous and graphic relations), I had awakened in peace.  The peace did not diminish my need for practical order & justice; I was still determined to report the events to management.  But I had peace!  For me, that was a miracle!
As I write, the church Elder spoke out to me, "Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid",  John 14:27). 
Even though darkness had attempted to overtake me, God's light still shone.  In fact, the next day, when I attended an African Church in Aberdeen, the Elder's wife reported that she thought I was visibly "glowing".  She felt compelled to meet me.  She, and many others had confirmed that they thought I was "glowing".  To me, this is just more phenomena on an otherwise banal day. It is as if God is more visible against the backdrop of the earthen.

For the past 4 or 5 years, I have been investigating the supernatural in greater detail.  I have met people who have shared their own experiences with God, the angelic, and so on.  There are numerous reports that people have seen wounds restored, people getting healed of cancer, blood disorders, and various other illnesses.  I've also met people who profess to have seen the dead raised to life (including in Africa, Pakistan, and Northern California).
It seems to me that the universe, God-created, is as vast and mysterious as God is.  If God is spirit, and we have God's image, than we can anticipate and experience God.  I call these events, whether practical or mysterious, as "supernatural". 
God is able to do "above and beyond all that we could ask or think".  Just go to a movie--there is a LOT that any of us can ask or think about.  So why do we limit God?  If he can do more than anything I could ask for, I might as well ask BIG!  I asked to see the angelic in Aberdeen, and in this experience, I think I did.
It is easy to get caught up in trendy humanism and secularism, particularly in Canada.  But I keep my attitude simple--if God is alive (and I believe God is alive), and God created ALL things, then even the mundane or the miraculous can reveal God.  I am not afraid to look, to ask, to seek; thus, I am open to considering the weird, the wacky, and the wonderful as part of the creative expressions of God.  In fact, it is quite fun.

Oh yes!  There are loads of stories.  I have begun to collect stories of healings, miracles, and conversions en masse (such as an entire town of people being changed by the appearance of Jesus in all of the town's dreams). 
Some of these phenomenons I have witnessed in person, throughout my travels; some of these phenomenons my friends and colleagues have personally witnessed. It is a dynamic time to be a Christian!     
There are vast groups of Christians around the world who are moving in the supernatural, under the radar of most mainstream churches.  You can distinguish them by the volume of joy and love that many of them exude that far exceeds many traditional groups. 
The supernatural Christians tend to embrace people with tremendous joy and love, including people who have otherwise been rejected by mainstream groups. 
Some of these "Wild Ones" (Christians experiencing God's power in the present) are trans-relocating, walking through walls, walking out of prisons, bypassing dangers and seeing life restored in people's spirit, soul, and body.  Alberta even has some of these stories.
For some people, the supernatural doesn't matter.  They are happy with their world of stock markets, bureaucracy, routine, monotonous church and stability.  But they are the minority within a shrinking demographic.   
In reality, most people have glaring needs that they need filled (both naturally and supernaturally).  More than 50% of the world is living on $2.50 per day (Global Issues), with 26.3% of the world's total population being under the age of 14 (Index Mundi).   If there is one thing we know about children--it is that they are not afraid to ask or think for great things!  They are dreamers...
Children and families first need sustenance then significance and then the supernatural.  Oftentimes, missions organizations will feed people first, then provide housing and then Bible training. Thus, the supernatural people (missionaries) feeds the natural and the natural charity creates an opportunity for more supernatural!   It's a feedback loop. 
There was a lot of theology packed into that last paragraph, so I will leave that for another day...