Sunday, February 20, 2011

It should be: Jesus+Love+Dominion+Inventiveness = Good

I have been contemplating the results of human invention when it comes to overcoming the ancient strongholds of: power, fear, anxiety, greed, healing, diverting, etc.  Such creative techniques are seen in a variety of capacities:
  • Power: Nelson Mandela, Lester B. Pearson
  • Fear, Anxiety etc: Ellel Ministries, Neil C. Anderson, 12 Step Program etc
  • Greed: Generosity Initiatives (ONE campaign, World Vision etc)
  • Healing: Heidi Baker, Smith Wigglesworth etc
  • Diverting: Roman Aqueducts, Solar & Wind Power etc
Here are some popular culture Icons that change trends:
  • Supernanny - practical measures to overcoming impractical behavior in children.  She brings order and love to houses that are otherwise in chaos.
  • Dog Whisperer - understanding animal and human instinct so as to over come maladaptive instinct and behaviour.
  • Apple - developing a product line that fundamentally diverts human activities of ALL kinds into a Linux based world, thus escaping the "mire" of a PC-based world.
This is what impresses me about the pop-culture icons: they are willing to apply themselves to good dominion because good dominion is rooted in wisdom.  As Proverbs 1:20 says, "wisdom calls aloud in the streets".  Anyone can listen and anyone can apply what they hear.

This is what I am more interested in: the rapid movements, based in the move of God's spirit, rooted FIRMLY in love, and moving across every boundary for the saving and restoration of all people.  If you have 30 minutes, here is an interesting video on Revival: Revival Hymn.  
IMPLICATION: Wisdom is good, but is incomplete without the full manifestation of it (Jesus).  My hope is that Christians will awaken to hear wisdom, and then, with the understanding of who Jesus was/is, apply wisdom in a Christ-like manor.  The results should be a dominion that builds up and leads all people to understanding God as good.
The question and measures become:
  • is wisdom+Christianity=visible?
  • is wisdom+Christianity=dominion?
  • is wisdom+Christianity=good?
  • is wisdom+Christianity=available?
  • is wisdom+Christianity=love?
In either case, if a Christian can raise the dead, heal the sick, and invent, but doesn't have love, it is NOTHING (1 Corinthians 13).
So now what?
Well, I want to find the people in the world who fit this formula: Jesus+Love+Dominion+Inventiveness = Good.
I am beginning to source people and groups of people who meet the criteria listed.  In the discovery of those people, God’s “church” could then become a living representative of the living, creating, and restorative nature of God himself.
Here are some living examples of Christians who I've found who have dominion that brings life, restoration, healing:
Here are some historical Christian Inventors and Inventions that are also life transforming and positive:
  • Music: Johnny Cash - Unique sound, with a unique story (taught many to be real with emotion and how to overcome addiction etc)
  • Mathematics: Isaac Newton (1642-1727) - theory of gravity, optics etc
  • Astronomy: Nicholaus Copernicus - Heliocentric universe
  • Literature: John Bunyan, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Historical Women: Pocahontas, Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria

"Jesus+Love+Dominion+Inventiveness = Good"

Your comments are welcomed and wanted!!
Blog by E.D. Lewis

1 comment:

  1. "strangely wonderful thoughts! It refreshes me to see the way you apply faith across history and discipline and person. We often want to excuse ourselves and think that Jesus is boring and uninventive: that way, we can isolate ourselves and don't have to do any thinking or application beyond ourselves!" -- Amanda
