Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christians & Mysticism

I have recently come across a vast amount of knowledge and interaction with "Christian Mystics".  I've been told, by a reliable family member, that Christian Mysticism is an oxymoron.  It is commonly believed, in various mainstream religious circles, that anything mystical is evil and to be feared.  Yet, upon learning more, I have discovered that mysticism is simply an experience (usually quite personal) with God.  

PLEASE NOTE: by "bloggersizing" about Christian Mysticism, I am not saying what is or isn't theologically right or wrong.  I am simply learning through writing.  I do not want fear to govern which subjects I will learn about.  Fear is the result of an absence of truth.  I desire truth.   What we do not yet understand is simply an invitation to gain understanding, knowledge, insight, and wisdom (preferably with revelation).  Let us not fear the unknown when we have a higher belief in an all-knowing God.

Chances are, if you have heard of some of the following terms or stories, then you have already come across "Christian Mysticism": shekhinah glory, Eucharist, Jacob's Ladder Vision, Melchizedek, Theresa of Avila, Holy Spirit visitation, stigmata, visions of heaven, etc.  For more info on Christian Mysticism basics, take a look at Wikipedia:

I read an interesting quote from Albert Einstein recently.  “The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. "  Albert Einstein, The World as I See It, Secaucus, New Jersy: The Citadel Press, 1999, p. 5.

So why even discuss Christians & Mysticism?  What could be the value?  The answer for me is quite simple: Peter walked on water by faith.  I have met saints today who are experiencing profound things that Jesus indicated his followers would experience: healings, miracles, raising of the dead, signs, wonders, unparalleled forgiveness etc.  

Furthermore, I heard a speaker who talked about his experiences of trans-relocating to minister to Christians in prisons.  He is one of many who are sharing such stories. 

So what are your thoughts?  Experiences?  References?

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