Saturday, November 1, 2014

Post-Gomeshi Consciousness

Jian Ghomeshi's alleged sexual violence has changed Canada's understanding about the harsh realities of sexual abuse and sexualized violence in our nation.

On October 30th, I joined Canada's cultural awakening to the realities of sexual abuse by publicly tweeting under the hashtag #BeenRapedNeverReported.  This game-changing hashtag, started by writer's Antonia Zerbisias (@AntoniaZ) and Sue Montgomery (@MontgomerySue), has given many rape and sexual abuse survivors the chance to share their story.  Antonia and Sue have ignited a new wave of consciousness in Canadians that is breaking the silence and freeing the voice of victims.

THANK YOU Antonia and Sue!  THANK YOU!!  You have given voice to the voiceless, and unity to the isolated victims of rape and abuse.

As this Twitter movement continues, one by one, ten thousands upon ten thousands, rape survivors are uniting in voice on Twitter.  Here are some tweets:

To all who have taken this journey I stand by you & with you. Sweet company gleaned from dark origins. Together now.
Thank you for initiating . I will listen, I will believe. I will refuse to be a silent bystander to .
So proud of you, all the unknown victims. A Beautiful message of hope. You're not alone, I believe you cause' me too  
This is sad. Help them report it! trends as women share stories of sexual violence  

Canada Has Awakened.  Canada is listening. 

The public is showing their support by replying to us on Twitter with the same hashtag #BeenRapedNeverReported.  Our nation is paying attention!  Our nation is showing love, compassion, and care for the thousands of women who have suffered in silence.

So what is happening because of this Twitter Movement?  I am seeing a cultural movement that I now nickname the "Post-Ghomeshi Consciousness".  Within the "Post-Ghomeshi Consciousness",  Ghomeshi has become a trigger-word (not just a man but an allegory) that is prompting masses of Canadians to stand up and say "I will no longer stay silent".

The "Post-Ghomeshi Consciousness" continues to grow as advocates and survivors continue to see #BeenRapedNeverReported reach over 8 million views.  Shame is being broken, tweet by tweet.

Get Involved

Let's continue the positive momentum and support our nation's sexually abused.  Join me as I take small and major steps to help bring public awareness about sexual violence in Canada.  Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Support local charities such as "Calgary Communities Against Sexual Assault (CCASA)" and Edmonton's "Zebra Child Protection Centre".
  2. Support survivors who have PTSD by learning about PTSD.  Tweet your findings with the hashtag: #PTSDCanada
  3. Support male survivors of sexual abuse through "1 in 6" and "One Blue String".
  4. Contact me to help fundraise and develop a public awareness campaign.

Will you dare to share the message of hope?  Tweet your support to the women who are rising: #BeenRapedNeverReported.

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