Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Dexification" & Freedom

Russell Bishop wrote a very profound article on the subject of "dexification", which refers to the negative cycle of self-justification. Click Here to read Bishop's article: Dexification - Russell Bishop

As Christians, we can get stuck somewhere between Truth & Forgiveness in a most peculiar way (usually involving some distortion, contortion, and fear).  In so doing, we can get caught in the cycle of defending ourselves.  Such defensiveness, proves the absence of peace, acceptance, and love.  Who wants to be around us when we are like that?  It isn't the "contagious love" that so many people seek.

So how do we stop "dexification"?

This is where grace & repentance (true change of ways) comes into play.  Grace gives us everything we need for holiness and righteous living (this definitely means the ability to love our neighbours and forgive whatever issues we may have with ourselves or others).   Repentance is the state of heart that defines the changes we manifest.  Both grace & repentance requires that we believe God exists, God is good, and that God's view of our lives brings a good result.

On the flip side, if we take over for God, and put ourselves in the judge's seat, then we allow for excessive introspective thinking that leads to us to simply focusing on ourselves again.  Such self-focus is like a vacuum that sucks goodness and abundance into a negative hole.  Blech!  Who wants that?

So, when we break-free from self-based reflection, and allow God to search us and know us (Psalm 139:23), then we can release the need to "fix" or "judge" or "rectify" ourselves.  So now we are talking about repentance again.   John Mulinde points out that only God can bring true repentance: Click Here for his 1 hour, life-changing talk: John Mulinde, IHOP, March 1, 2011.

Some summary thoughts on repentance:

So, to break down all of the cycles and threads within these concepts, here are a few snapshots today's blog:

- If you find yourself stuck, dexifying, or otherwise self-focused, try the next few steps
- Be open to God as the author of Truth (yes, there is such a thing)
- Be open to God's revelation search you, know you (Ps 139:23)
- Be open to change (repentance)
- Release one's self from Dexification
- Love God, Love Neighbour as Self (Matt 22:36-40)

How can one have freedom if one will not face God nor truth?  It is the truth that sets us free...